Enemy Manager : Proposal of a Game Tool

A proposal to one of the tools that will be used for the game by Mauricio Galvez

Mauri Galvez

For my Game Tools course I will implement an enemy manager tool that will help level designers through the development process of Empyreum Ascension. This tool will basically allow them to spawn individual or groups of enemies in any location in the scene of the game.

How will it be used?

The script will be attached to an empty game object. In order to select the spawn location, the user will need to click on the position where a gizmos shape will appear. The user will also be able to specify how many enemies will spawn within a set radius for each location. Additionally, there will be an option that will expand the editor uncovering a number field for each pre-set type. The user will be able to use these to mix pre-set types. They could spawn 2 heavy armor soldiers and 5 normal soldiers as an example.

When enemies…

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